SKSPhA have supported the large-scale action "HEALTH FESTIVAL"

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Today the working day of employees of SKSPhA has begun with warm-up. about 200 teachers and student's youth carried out the morning exercises on a parade-ground of military department of our university. Participants of the action, having been built in several rows, under melodies of the Kazakhstan composers, have executed a number of exercises on strengthening of muscles of legs and hands.

Then students have gone for accomplishment of more difficult exercises to platforms of the sports Petrel complex where already ran at a distance 60, 100, 400, 500, 800 meters, jumped in length, participated in relay.

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Sporting events will take place within a week within implementation of a state programme of healthcare development "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019.

Sports fights have taken place together with teaching staff of physical culture course and the staff of youth policy department of Academy.

08.06.2016, 03:14