Today, leading scientists of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan discussed the current situation in dentistry at an International scientific and practical conference at the South Kazakhstan medical Academy.

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On the opening of scientific forum, the rector of the Academy, Professor M.M. Rysbekov, noted the development of the dental service of Kazakhstan in the implementation of state programs on medicine and health care, emphasizing the importance of the definition of "Healthy universities" and "Healthy nation". He also thanked the conference delegates for their participation and their desire to pass on a wealth of practical experience to their colleagues and students studying at the Academy.

Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of surgical dentistry of the Tashkent Institute of advanced medicine A.A. Abdukadyrov in his welcoming speech focused on close cooperation that opens prospects for universities of two countries, presented a book on reconstructive medicine.

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Head of clinical implantology and periodontics courses at the center for advanced training of the Kyrgyz state medical Academy named after Akhunbayev B.A. Bakiev noted that SKMA has rich prospects in connection with the construction of a multi-profile University clinic.

Doctor of medical sciences, Professor of the Department of pediatric dentistry of the Kazakh national medical University named after Asfendiyarov A.D. Mamekov drew attention to the prevention of dental diseases from childhood, that clinical residency and the desire to gain knowledge allow future specialists to become professionals.

The International conference moderator, director of “Almagest” Clinique M.A. Temirbayev focused on modern technologies of prosthetics in orthopedic dentistry.

The theme of the report of the International expert in the UNESCO GEO program, Professor of the Tashkent state dental Institute Z.M. Mukhamedovа was bioethics, problems arising between "Doctor and patient".

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Also, there were held conference and round table on improvement of the educational program preparing of doctors-dentists.

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Certificates were awarded for participants of the scientific forum.

Raikhan Shaimerdenova

14.02.2020, 07:05