SKMA and the pandemic: on the diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions in COVID-19

In the city clinical hospital №1 and the ambulance station, lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of emergency conditions with Covid-19 were delivered by candidates of medical sciences, acting professor of the departments A.A. Aldeshev and A.E. Turtaeva. The lecturers paid special attention to the diagnostic criteria both in adults and to the features of the course of COVID-19 in elderly and senile people, and to concomitant diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, obesity.

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Interest on the part of those present at the seminar was shown to the early laboratory signs of a cytokine storm (increased serum ferritin levels, absolute numbers and content of lymphocytes, a rapid decrease in the number of platelets and leukocytes during the day).

Also, attention is paid to the main radiological signs of viral pneumonia (including COVID-19), when bilateral strengthening and thickening of the pulmonary pattern is manifested, multiple bilateral foci of darkening of the pulmonary fields like "ground glass" with consolidation elements located to the periphery. The main CT scan signs in viral lesions of the lungs (including COVID-19) include: "frosted glass" - a section of partially airy lung tissue, against which the vessels, lumens of the bronchi and their walls, etc.

The training seminar was attended by 240 people.

For three days, from November 11 to 13, teachers and leading scientists of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy held training seminars on coronavirus infection for doctors and medical workers of polyclinics and medical institutions in the city of Shymkent.

30.11.2020, 11:30