Shymkent marathon 2019

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Shymkent Marathon 2019 takes place in our city for the second year. The sporting event was attended by akim of the city Yerlan Aytakhanov, professional athletes and residents of the city.

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Shymkent became not only the third city of the republican values, but also the third city with a certified track.

80 volunteers from the SKMA took part in the marathon organization, each participant from the academy received a t-shirt with a marathon symbol.

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At the first distance from Kunaev avenue along Baidibek bi avenue to Nauryz square, over a thousand people of different ages took part in the run.

Our student activists took part in the marathon:

Toilybay Sultan, Mamekov Shahrukh, Mamatdinova Nargiza, Zhaksylykov Bolat, Zulpykhar Indira.

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The city akim thanked the residents for their active participation in the traditional marathon, for their contribution to the development of international sports, which in general contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, improving the health of the nation and raising the younger generation.

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Winners of 1-3 places were awarded with diplomas, medals and cash prizes.

The sports festival ended with a concert on Nauryz square.

03.10.2019, 03:06