September 1 - Knowledge

Day On September 2, 2024, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy held a solemn meeting “Knowledge Day” for students enrolled in the 1st year. Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Seitzhanova Zhanna Serikzhanovna opened the meeting and congratulated the students on the Day of Knowledge. She wished the students to show hard work for their upcoming studies and a desire for knowledge. Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs Salim Erbol Kaltursynovich familiarized with the internal regulations of our educational institution. The head of the educational and methodological center Doltayeva Bibigul Zaidullayevna told about the issues of the schedule of classes. The head of the registration department, Syzdykova Saulet Akmurzaevna, familiarized with the results of the course and the procedure for passing exams. At the end of the meeting, the head of the information center of the Darbicheva library, Raushan Iskakovna, familiarized with the library system and book collection, the rules for the use of books. The deans of the faculties informed the students about the library and warned about close contact with the staff of the dean's office and the library center. 
We sincerely congratulate the 1st year students enrolled in the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy on the new academic year!

03.09.2024, 14:29