Seminar-training "Tools for the introduction of evidence-based medicine in the practice of the doctor."

In order to implement measures to improve the quality of clinical practice in support of health system reform and the State Health Development Programme of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019, as well as the implementation of the Roadmap for the modernization of medical education for 2016-2019, as well as for increasing the potential of the teaching staff of SKMA Department of Evidence-Based Medicine of SKMA conducted a training seminar "Tools for the introduction of evidence-based medicine in the practice of a doctor" from 9 January 2019 to 11 January 2019.

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The following departments took part in the training seminar: Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology, Department of Therapeutic Disciplines, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics, Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing. Trainers of the event: Head of the Department of Evidence-Based Medicine Cand.M.Sc., K.Ye. Akhmadieva, Associate Professor, Cand.M.Sc., L. T. Kasayeva, Specialist of the department, Ph. Doctoral Student L.A.Sadykova, Specialist of media libraries D.M. Mamytova. Seminar-training course was held in LIC of SKMA in the library -211b.

The training took place in an interactive manner with the use of modern multimedia technologies and Internet. The information obtained during these lectures was consolidated by practical work on information search in medical databasesand the quality assessment of the proposed scientific medical publications. Posing clinical questions on PICO method, testing on the proposed material in MCQ test formatat the end of this seminarrules for writing articles in peer-reviewed journals, tools for dealing with polypragmasia in the practice of a doctor, polyscape-database of Medscape, Medstopper, clinical tasks, on-line checkers, polypragmasia assessment indices, Beers index, STOPP / START indices, traffic light assessment of the risk of falling and undesirable development adverse reactions from medication and others. A presentation was also made on the evaluation of modern medical technologies.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this training seminar there was conducted a questionnaire of the teaching staff at the beginning and at the end of the seminar. The final evaluation of the training showed a significant knowledgeincreasing during this seminar. The participants were awarded certificates.

16.01.2019, 04:26