Seminar on the theme «Медицина оқу орындарында терминологияны оқыту мәселелері» ("Problems of teaching terminology in medical universities»)

On 31.05.2021, a seminar «Медицина оқу орындарында терминологияны оқыту мәселелері» ("Problems of teaching terminology in medical universities") was held, organized by the department of kazakh, russian and latin languages.

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The opening speech was made by the head of the Department for social affairs and youth policy, head of the course of kazakh and latin languages Salim E. K.

Senior teachers of the department Kasymbekova A. N., Abdullabekova A. T., Zhakipova A. S., Zhumanova I. Zh., senior teacher of the Russian language course Adyrbekova N. A. and senior teachers of the department of foreign languages Abdulkhakova I. B., Alipbaeva G. O. shared their reports with the audience, answered the questions of the seminar participants.

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The seminar addressed the problems of unification of medical and pharmaceutical terms, issues related to the compilation of a dictionary of pharmaceutical terms.

Also, much attention was paid to the teaching of Latin as the basis for the formation of medical terminology, it was proposed to include Latin in the state standards of education as the main discipline in medical universities.

The participants were given letters of thanks and certificates.

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07.06.2021, 03:17