Seminar "Creating a system for internal quality assurance in higher education based on policies and standards."

On October 26, 2021, a seminar was held at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy on the topic "Creating a system for internal quality assurance in higher education based on policies and standards." The organizer of the event was the educational and methodological center of the SKMA.

The event was attended by the vice-rector for educational, methodological and educational work of SKMA Anartaeva M.U., heads of structural divisions, heads of departments.
Speaker - M.B. Ivanova shared the information received at the regional seminar about what an internal quality assurance system is, with the help of what tools and mechanisms it is implemented and the need to create and implement such a system in our academy.
The main purpose of the internal quality assurance system is to ensure that the declared level of quality is guaranteed for consumers of educational services and reliably maintained at the university.

According to European standards and guidelines for internal quality assurance of higher education institutions, the internal quality assurance system includes:
- policies and procedures for quality assurance of universities;
- approval, monitoring and periodic evaluation of programs and qualifications;
- assessment of the level of knowledge of students;
- quality assurance of the teaching staff;
- educational resources and student support system;
- information system;
- informing the public.
Each university, creating an internal quality assurance system, must develop its own mechanisms, criteria and methods for assessing the level of knowledge of students and for determining the competence and qualifications of teachers.

27.10.2021, 16:04