Round table meeting of "Pharmacy" faculty with employers

On February 7, 2020, the SKMA administration, representatives of the dean’s office, heads of the departments, leading specialists of the Pharmacy faculty met with employers of the pharmaceutical industry. The event was organized by the dean of the faculty, the project office of the SKMA GPM and the Committee for Educational Programs of the specialty "Pharmacy".

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The presentation of the head of the EMC Ibragimova on the topic: “Project on the Development of a Concept for the Advancement of Pharmaceutical Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan” was presented to the attendees, which highlighted issues on the improvement of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, expectations, goals, objectives and principles of implementing educational programs of the specialty.

The presentation included the problems of training personnel for the pharmaceutical industry, examined the interaction of education with the labor market, provided a detailed analysis of the international experience in pharmacy education, including the system of qualification and admission to practical activities.

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The round table on behalf of employers was attended by: Alzhanova Kh.D. - Director of the Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations "Damu", Kashkimbaeva L.R. - Deputy Head of the Department for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services in Shymkent, Sh. E. Kalikulova - Training Manager, Europharma LLP, R. Ermetov - founder of Abu Akbar LLP, Seytkhanova A.L. pharmacist of the regional oncology dispensary.

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In addition, on the instructions of the Ministry of Health, the nomenclature of pharmaceutical specialties of workers with higher and secondary pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed and clarified.

13.02.2020, 06:58