Round table "Conscious generation - against corruption"

On April 30, 2024, a round table was held on the topic “Conscious Generation - Against Corruption” with the participation of students of the “ZAN” and “Parasat” clubs, teachers of the department and senior inspector of the Al-Farabi district of the OIiVP, police major Yusupov Khabibulla Ibaidullaevich.
The purpose of the event is to develop an anti-corruption culture among young people and increase their legal literacy. The round table was led by senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social Disciplines, moderator Malikov Mukhtar Maratuly.
During the round table, it was noted that corruption causes enormous and sometimes irreparable damage to the interests of society, the state and individual citizens. Students made presentations on anti-corruption ethics, methods of combating corruption, problems of bureaucracy and corruption in human culture, and also noted foreign experience in the fight against corruption. In conclusion, all round table participants drew attention to the fact that the effectiveness of the fight against corruption can be achieved through joint, systematic activities of all democratic institutions of society.

03.05.2024, 12:52