Round table "Abay's words of exhortation- a source of education"

For the purpose of propaganda of Abay's creative work chair of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages on April 18, 2024 was organized and held a round table on the theme "Abay's words of edification - a source of education".
E.K. Salim, Head of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy, made an opening speech. He emphasized that through words of exhortation Abai Kunanbayuly called for humanity, spiritual enrichment and improvement of people. The poet's legacy is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the people.

Students who took part in the round table shared their thoughts and recited by heart the following works: from gr. ВМ-МОА-14-23 Maratkyzy Aydina - "Third Word", from gr. ВМ-СОБ-05-23 T.N.Meirbekova - "The Seventh Word", from gr. ВМ-СОБ-05-23 F.R.Toimova - "Seventeenth word", with gr. ВМ-СОА-05-23 Maratuly Nurcultan - "Nineteenth word", with gr. ВМ-МА-01-23 A.E.Isakov - "Tenth word", B.J.Baktiyarov - "Fifteenth word", A.E.Erezhep - "Twenty-first word".
Abay's words of exhortation have a special role in the education of the younger generation. Reflecting the past in the life of the poet, they are a guiding star for the young, beginning their life journey.

19.04.2024, 17:57