Round table

Today, on 18.04.2023, the Ministry of Health, with the invitation of representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, held a round table on issues regulating the educational activities of organizations of higher and postgraduate education. Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.J. Edilkhanov explained in detail the features of the new regulatory policy "Regulation from scratch". It is explained that from now on all procedures for the selection and planning of control measures are automated, the degree of risks of each OVPO, which are produced by the information system, without the participation of the human factor, will be determined. Accordingly, the responsibility of university leaders for the timeliness and objectivity of data on the activities of the university transmitted to the authorized bodies increases significantly.

Further, the head of the Department of Medical Education of the Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A.K. Izdenov, explained the features of regulatory documents regulating medical education, together with medical education organizations discussed the implementation of the integrated medical education program.

19.04.2023, 11:20