Results of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (WRWU)
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (WRWU) is calculated by research group of Cybermetrics Lab, National Research Council of Spain. In terms of indicators in the Webometrics ranking we can judge about the level of research activity of universities from the standpoint of the presence, quality, openness and influence of publications of the university on the Internet.
In the framework of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (WRWU) every six months the ranking of more than 20000 universities in the world, including in terms of regions and individual countries, is conducted.
As of January 2018, 101 Kazakhstani universities are included in the Webometrics ranking. Wider coverage of universities, included in the analysis, allowed Kazakhstan medical universities to be among the ranked organizations.
However, places that take the domestic medical universities in world rankings (for most universities outside the 10000-th place) are more likely to indicate insufficient development of scientific and innovation processes.
It should also be remembered that the system of ranking in Webometrics is easy enough (takes into account only the process of presence in the Internet resources and provided influence), while the more authoritative rankings (THE World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)) is based primarily on publications and citations in peer-reviewed journals.
Ranking of SKSPhA in Webometrics Ranking of World Universities in January 2018 - of the 101 University of Kazakhstan (represented in the rating), SKSPhA took 10th place; among presented 27763 world universities our university is placed in 6700 position, and in the Asian region among 12827 represented universities it is at 2429 position.
This rating evaluates the following components: availability (SKSPhA -1447 position), influence (6796), openness (7878), perfection, as all medical universities of Kazakhstan - 5777position.
The analysis of the rating items dynamics of SKSPhA in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities from July, 2017 to January, 2018 indicates that we have lost our positions in the global ranking and we need to take this question on control.