Results of the decade of the Russian language among foreign students

From May 20 to 30, 2019, the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages passed the decade of the Russian language among foreign students of the specialty "General Medicine".

The purpose of this event is to increase the motivation of foreign students studying at SKMA to learn Russian, to develop students' intellectual and creative abilities.

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During this period, the following activities were carried out within the framework of the subject decade:

05/20/2019 - The opening of the decade. Competition expressive reading.

05/22/2019 - Competition for the best story about yourself.

05/23/2019 - Presentation competition on the theme “My beautiful India”.

05/25/2019 - Competition "Polyglot".

05/27/2019 - Competition for knowledge of medical terms.

05/31/2019 - The final round of the decade of the Russian language.

By the final round, students were selected who showed the best results. According to the results of the contest of readers, the students Yadav Gaurav and Singha Mayukh were recognized as the best, who presented to the audience and guests the works of classics of Russian and world literature.

In the competition for the best story about themselves, the winners are Shiv Singh and Dudi Mukesh Kumar.

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In the “My Beautiful India” presentation competition, the best were Khan Arbaj and Devendr, who talked about the culture, customs, and architecture of India..

The performances of the students Devendr, Singha Mayukh and Yadav Gaurav with stories on the topic “My student life” won the hearts of the audience and guests of the event.

In the contests "Polyglot" and on the knowledge of medical terms, where it was possible to check the degree of mastery of program material, all students took an active part. They demonstrated an excellent level of proficiency in Russian and English..

The guests of the final round of the decade of the Russian language were the senior teacher of the Latin language course of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages A. Kasymbekova. and senior teacher of the department of foreign languages Sarzhanova D.ZH.

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The final round of the decade of the Russian language was held in a festive atmosphere. The students who took the top places were awarded certificates, and the students who were distinguished for their activity and diligence were given certificates with words of gratitude for good preparation and activeness.

The decade of the Russian language, conducted among students of foreign groups of the specialty "General Medicine", has intensified the creative activity of students, brought bright colors and a festive mood to the students' everyday life.

07.06.2019, 09:27