Republican forum "JASTAR FORYMY KAZNMU-2019»

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From 14 to 16 March 2019 year in Almaty, at the Kazakh national medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov held the Republican forum of medical youth "JASTAR FORYMY KAZNMU-2019".

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This forum was attended by young people of all medical universities of Kazakhstan. The participants of the forum met with the winners of the project "100 new names" B. Turkulov, D. Adilbai, M. Berdikozhaev and with the world doctor Akshulakov Serik Kuandykovich.

During the forum organized a round table on "Academic honesty", intellectual game and game of Bumperball.

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At the forum The Republican association "Medical youth of Kazakhstan" was established in order to protect and support the rights and interests of students and young professionals in the field of medicine and pharmacy, approved by the Ministry of health of Kazakhstan. Chairman of the Association for the Turkestan region was appointed head of DYP of UKMA N.R.Akhmetov, chairman for the city of Shymkent has been appointed the rector of the student UKMA K.A.Iemberdiev.

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The forum participants were awarded with letters of thanks. We heartily congratulate our medical youth and our chairmen on the creation of the Association "Medical youth of Kazakhstan"!

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19.03.2019, 22:11