R.A. Shaimerdenova was awarded with the Medal “25 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan”

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev on August 20, 2020, signed a decree on awarding Kazakhstans with the anniversary medal in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution. These days, more than 300 representatives of state bodies, education, culture, sports, the business community, and all spheres of the economy of Shymkent receive a high awards. This list also includes a member of the Union of journalists of the USSR and Kazakhstan, scientific journal editor of the SKMA – Shaimerdenova Raikhan.

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This was announced by the first head of the Academy Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov at the meeting of the rector's office, which was held in an online format on September 7, 2020. He emphasized that R. A. Shaymerdenova’s articles, essays and informashions resonate on the pages of the Republican, regional and city newspapers, TV and radio, the Internet, social networks, info-communicative platform "G-global" of the Astana economic forum. She is distinguished by her civic position, professionalism and author's style. The rector of the Academy wished the journalist success in her work, health and well-being.

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At the request of M. M. Rysbekov, the anniversary medal was presented to R. A. Shaimerdenova by the head of the Department for social affairs and youth policy of the Academy, Salim Yerbol Kaltursynovich. He also wished her creative success, noting that the role in creating the image of the Academy through the media is assigned to journalists.

08.09.2020, 05:45