In the period from 28.05.2018  to 12.06.2018  great honor and responsibility fell on the best fifth year students of the specialty "Pharmacy" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy - Alimhan Asylzat, Zhumabaev Nurdaulet, Turganbaev Sultan, Myrzahan Nazik and Baibolat Uldana together with the head,, professor Orynbasarova K.K. to pass the production practice of «Pharmacognosy»  on the basis of the Department  of  Pharmacognosy and Botany Pyatigorsk  Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, a branch of  the Volgograd State Medical University (PMFI, Pyatigorsk, Russia).

Students-trainees fully completed the program of industrial practice, worked in the botanical garden of  PMFI, where they got acquainted with the conditions of cultivation and cultivation of various pharmacopeia, medicinal and ornamental plants.

The students, in addition to studying agrotechnology in the botanical garden, conducted macroscopic and microscopic analyzes of medicinal plants and consolidated their theoretical knowledge and formed the skills of research of medicinal plants.

Orynbasarova  K.K. and 4th and 5th course  students took part in the jubilee events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of PMFI. Within the framework of the jubilee events, the Festival of  National Cultures was held, in which all 13 diasporas and the autonomous entities of the PMFI took part.  Interesting and exciting rooms and delicious dishes of various cuisines were presented: Kazakh, Slavic, Ingush, Greek, Vietnamese, Ossetian, Karachay-Balkarian, Moroccan, Dagestan, Armenian, Chechen, Circassian and Uzbek.

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Student of  the 5th course Zhumabaev Nurdaulet made a speech " Өсиет өлеңі" (Ybyray Altynsarin).

During the meeting with the Director of the PMFI, professor Adzhienko V.L. was signed  a Memorandum of  cooperation between our universities and  were discussed further cooperation issues.

Further development and strengthening of relations with the partner universities, search for new directions and forms of cooperation in the field of training highly qualified specialists for the pharmaceutical industry will contribute to the achievement of mutually beneficial results.

We express gratitude to the host party in the person of the head of the department of  pharmacognosy and botany of the PMFI  prof. Konovalova DA. and the staff of the department for organizing the exchange program and a warm reception.

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The students note that the practice helped them to feel more confident in their knowledge and skills in the field of research of medicinal plants, and express their huge gratitude to the leadership of the academy for the opportunity to pass industrial practice at the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute.

Sincere gratitude to the youth expressed to the leadership of the academy and personally to the rector of  SKMA M. Rysbekov for the opportunity to get new knowledge and for the opportunity to pass practical training in one of the leading pharmaceutical universities in Russia.

27.06.2018, 07:20