"Problems of prevention of dangerous religious trends and extremism"




For the first time years of finding of Independence came to the forefront social and economic problems, and cultural wealth was pushed on the second plan. With extremist ideas the different religious trends which captivated our country tried to fill this empty niche. Also, foreign missionaries try to use weakness of the law on religious freedom of citizens. The dangerous ideology of extremist groups is directed on undermining ideology and sows ethnic strife. The religious extremism is a big social and legal and psychological problem, and it is multidimensional. Means, such moments as religious conflicts, hatred and politicization of religion influence society in the most dangerous way.



In this regard, on March 03, 2015 at 15-00 in the assembly hall of academy department of educational work and information propaganda group on religious problems (IPG) I organized a meeting on the subject "Problems of Prevention of Dangerous Religious Trends and Extremism" among students of "medical", "pharmaceutical" faculties, faculty of training of specialists with technical and professional education, which purpose – prevention of dangerous religious trends and extremism.



At a meeting religious figures, experts - theologians took part. Most of the participating students asked the interesting questions to organizers and guests of action and received irrefragable answers. At a meeting the movie "Tabligi Zhamagata" was shown.




10.03.2015, 04:30