Problems of antibiotic resistance - an integrated problem of the healthcare system

The problem of antibiotic resistance is a global problem for all mankind and a serious threat to life. At all levels of health care, it is necessary to develop a policy to curb the development of antibiotic resistance, indicating specific activities and processes to reduce the resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents.
On February 25, 2022, an online meeting of the heads of medical organizations in Shymkent, clinical pharmacologists with the faculty of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology was devoted to the main issues of developing resistance to antibacterial drugs. Pakeev O.S., Head of the Republican State Institution "Department of the Committee for Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Shymkent" made an introductory speech at the joint conference.

The speaker of the conference was Ibragimova A.G. with a discussion of the main problems in reducing the level of development of resistance to antimicrobial drugs at the level of medical organizations, taking into account the strategies for containing antibiotic resistance at the global, global and national levels.
Information is provided on the organizational and methodological framework for managing the use of antibiotics in the public health system of Kazakhstan, which should be mirrored in the policy of medical organizations. The issues of education and the need for ongoing training of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other public health professionals on the rational use of antimicrobials are considered.
The need for continuous systematic monitoring of the use of antibiotics in medical organizations and taking into account the level of resistance of the pathogen in the region was noted. The important role of education on the rational use of antibiotics among the population, in the children's environment of preschool institutions was noted.
It is important to involve all areas of healthcare and medicine, including the sphere of drug circulation, in this problem.
An integrated approach should be used in developing policies to contain antibiotic resistance.

03.03.2022, 21:16