Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical toxicological analysis of drugs

December 7-8, 2018 The 6th International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy” was held at SKMA. The conference was organized by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy and the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The conference aroused great interest in universities and higher educational institutions of the CIS countries and abroad.

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Employees of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry organized a sectional meeting "Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological analysis of medicines." Applications were submitted to the conference and young scientists from universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and partners - the First MSMU named after I. Sechenov (Moscow, Russian Federation), BSMU (Ufa, Russian Federation), TashFarMI (Tashkent, RUz), NUFU (Kharkov, Ukraine), Zaporozhye State Medical University (Zaporizhia, Ukraine) and others. 

At the breakout session, the students of the scientific circle of the Department of Pharmacy of the Future, undergraduates, doctoral students and students from partner universities on topical issues of pharmaceutical science spoke. The reports were accompanied by heated discussion, each speaker at a high level presented the results of research work.

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Rodina T.A., Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Center for Clinical Pharmacology, FSBE Scientific Research Center for Examination of Medical Devices, made a report on “HPLC MS / MS in bioanalytical studies: good and bad practice.” Tatyana Alexandrovna's report aroused keen interest among the audience. Many questions were asked about the development and validation of methods for the quantitative determination of various medicines based on the HPLC method MS / MS.

The sectional work was continued by a master class for faculty members and students by the head of the department of standardization and quality management of pharmaceuticals of TashFarMI Jalilov F.S. and Associate Professor Iminova I.M. on the topic “Proper quality standards to ensure the effectiveness and safety of medicines. GxP system at the stages of the drug life cycle ".

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Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry TashPharmi Mirrahimova TA, who was acquainted with the scientific activities of the department, also participated in the section.

According to the results of the conference, all were awarded certificates, and the winners received diplomas and mementoes. The diploma of the first degree was awarded to the student of BSMA Shaybakova Angelina. Second and third place was shared by students of our university - Zhanaliyeva Nargiza and Bakyt Dinara.

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The participants and guests of the conference thanked the organizers for the excellent organization and the opportunity to communicate, exchange views.

21.12.2018, 08:44