Prevention of tuberculosis

09.04.2019, under the guidance of teachers of the Department "Propedeutics of internal diseases" Rustemova B. B. and Nurmet A.D. with the involvement of students of the 4th year of specialty "Paramedic" of the College of SKMA, an event was held in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School on "Prevention of tuberculosis".

During the event, students Astay G., Bdale R., Mamedova G., Sansyzbai A., Rsale U, Narikbay M., Seitbek N., a lecture was given on the prevention of this disease and a mini sketch about the risk of factors, ways of infection and methods of treatment of the spread disease of the century.

Students and the leadership of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School took an interest in this event. Curators of classes and representatives of the medical unit of the school expressed their gratitude and wish for further continuation of the meetings.

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15.04.2019, 00:21