Practical training at the bases of Uzbekistan

Students of the South Kazakhstan medical academy for the first time passed the practical training “Industrial of drug technology” at the bases of the Tashkent pharmaceutical institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent pharmaceutical institute (TashFI) is a higher educational institution with a high scientific and pedagogical potential, developed international relations, which has ample opportunities to train highly qualified specialists.

The organization of practical training for 4th year students was attached to the department of industrial technology of medicinal product TashFI.

During the practice, the students got acquainted with the pharmaceutical enterprises “Denta fillplyus”, “Laxisam Pharmaceuticals”, “Tashkent Pharm Glass” LLC, “SAC Uzpharmsanoat AK UZKIMEFARM named after S.K. Islambekov, Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics. 

SKMA students with the head, professor Anarbaeva R.M. received the rector of the university doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor Z.A. Yuldashev.

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The head of the practice in common with the Department of Industrial technology of medicinal product of the Tashkent pharmaceutical institute developed and approved a joint work program for practical training, outlined plans for joint cooperation in the field of science and the educational process with the department of standardization and quality management of medicinal product.

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Students took part in the scientific conference dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the scientific-student society of the Tashkent pharmaceutical institute.

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The program of practical training was intense and fully implemented.

04.06.2019, 04:26