“Possibilities of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of nervjus diseases”

On October 15-16, 2020, in the conference hall of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, an online scientific and practical seminar was held on the topic "possibilities of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of nervous diseases. Clinical case». The seminar was organized by the Department of neurology, psychiatry and psychology of the SKMA and the MRI office of the Regional clinical hospital.

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Currently, modern methods of neuroimaging allow not only to study the structural changes in the brain, but also to assess the cerebral blood flow at various levels, diffusion processes, cerebral metabolism, as well as the functional state of certain parts of it. The seminar is dictated by the relevance of this topic. every Clinician should have an understanding of neuroimaging methods, be able to interpret MRI and CT images, and solve the most complex clinical situations together with MRI specialists. The seminar provides an overview and own experience of using modern neuroimaging technologies.

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About a hundred listeners from different cities and regions attended this online seminar.

Conference moderator: head of the Department of neurology, psychiatry and psychology YUKMA Zharkynbekova N. the speaker at this seminar was a physician office MRI Regional hospital Navesova V. sh., who made a number of presentations, as well as resident II year of study.

1. Diagnostic methods in neurology.

The participants were introduced to the basics of radiation diagnostics methods: x-ray, CT, MRI. With the history of their discovery and further development. The physical and technical bases of the methods were considered.Indications and contraindications to the implementation of these methods. New methods of structural and functional neuroimaging were discussed: diffusion and perfusion, functional MRI.

2. MRI anatomy of the brain.

The questions of radiation anatomy of the brain were discussed. Were provided

individual anatomical structures of the brain and their images on various CT and MRI images.

3. MRI diagnostics for vascular diseases of the brain.

Radiation diagnostics of cerebrovascular diseases, diagnostics and differential diagnostics of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, and vascular malformations of the brain and spinal cord were presented. Stenochlaena radiologic diagnosis of vascular lesions. Thrombosis of the arteries and veins of the Central nervous system. Mr signs of chronic ischemia.

4. MRI diagnostics for demyelinating diseases.

The issues of radiation diagnostics of demyelinating diseases were discussed. Pathognomic Mr signs of multiple sclerosis and devik's optticomyelitis. Methods of neuroimaging in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of MS and vascular changes in the brain.

5. A clinical case.

In addition to informative reports, interesting, informative clinical cases of patients with various nosologies were analyzed.

-  Brain sinus thrombosis – patient E., 25 years old with Covid-19 associated thrombosis of all brain sinuses.

-  CHEM – patient U., 45 years old with a diagnosis of CHEM. Discussed differential diagnosis of lacunar infarctions from demyelinating lesions, possible syndrome CADASIL?

-  Brain aneurysm – patient K., 51 years old with repeated ischemic stroke in the PSMA pool, developed as a result of selective angiography for ICA fusiform aneurysm.

-  Multiple sclerosis – patient L, 20 years old with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, remitting course. Clinical picture and MRI dynamics of the disease.

-  Opticomyelitis Devika – patient M., 37 years old with a diagnosis of opticomyelitis Devika, in the stage of decompensation. Clinical picture and MRI dynamics of the disease.

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The seminar is intended for specialists in radiation diagnostics, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, internists, General practitioners, pediatricians and doctors of other specialties.

At the end of the cycle, certificates were issued.

22.10.2020, 04:20