Poly-lingual – way to success

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On 30th April 2018 year was held olympiad by theme «Poly –lingual - way to success» at the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages. The Olympiad took part 12 students of the first year  students of  the specialty "General Medicine".

The Olympics were held in four rounds:

The 1-st  round – “Polyglot”. In this unit, each student was given two words or phrases, which they translated in three languages. 

The 2-nd round – The students presented their poster presentation on three languages. The main requirements of poster presentations were high level of proficiency languages, originality and the creativity of the theme. 

The 3-rd round  -  were the execution of test tasks. This unit included listening of  the text and performing test tasks in the Russian, English and Kazakh. The purpose of this unit - check the level of understanding of foreign speech in a background listening and the fulfillment of the test tasks proposed for it.

The 4-th round – reading and translation. In this block, each student was offered a text that needed to be read and translated. 

All participants demonstrated their practical knowledge of languages. Based on the results of the four rounds were the winners, who scored the greatest balls, they were Anarkulova Maftuna (108 GM/A), Baitanaeva Kamila (113 GM/B) and Zhumakhan Nurila (110 GM/A).

Voltaire said: “Knowing many languages means having many keys to one lock”. We hope that the organizers of  the students language Olympiad – “Poly-lingual-way to success” had contributed for realization of ambitions plans in using three languages in the practice of communication.    

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05.05.2018, 01:57