Poetry evening on the theme "I came to sing life»

February 11, 2021 at the Medical College of JSC "South Kazakhstan medical Academy" together with the Department of General Education Disciplines and library - information center hosted an evening of poetry on the theme "I came to sing life» dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Mukagali Makatayev, a poetry evening was held in the offlinе and on-linе formate. The poetic evening was attended by: Deputy director for educational work Taizhanova M. A., Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines Sataev A. T., teachers of the department and students of the college.

The poetry evening was opened by the head of the Department of General Education Disciplines Sataev A. T. He spoke about the duration of the poet's legacy and the importance of his role in the education of the younger generation.

They showed a documentary film about the life of the poet. The participants of the poetry evening read excerpts from the life and work of M. Makatayev, poems of the great poet, songs based on the poet's poems were performed.

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Also, the librarian of the library- information center Kuanyshbekova E. presented an exhibition of books "Eternal Life-Mukagali".

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By the end of the poetic evening, the deputy director for educational work Taizhanova M. A. briefly told that Mukagali Makatayev left a rich legacy in our literature during his short life, and thanked the college students for their active participation. The students were awarded with letters of thanks.

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17.02.2021, 08:30