Participation in the international scientific and practical online conference

On June 26, 2020, at the Tashkent State Dental Institute in Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan, an international scientific and practical online conference «Global and social bioethics in biomedical research and clinical medicine: ideological, methodological foundations» was held. The online conference was held on the ZOOM platform, which was attended by representatives from different countries such as: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Lithuania, Ukraine, as well as all members of the local bioethics commission of SKMA.

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The rector of SKMA, Professor M. Rysbekov made a welcoming speech at the conference. He welcomed all participants of this conference, sincerely thanked for participation, highlighted the relevance of bioethics problems in medical practice, as well as the need for an integrated introduction of bioethical norms in teaching students of medical universities. He noted that education has no borders and all universities are united in close cooperation, the exchange of experience in the training of medical personnel. We have a lot in common in the educational space.

Let the information space only grow stronger and develop, emphasized M. Rysbekov.

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A report was made by the Chairman of the local commission on bioethics of the SKMA, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Zh. Kauyzbay and senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines SKMA, doctoral candidate T. Sabitov on the topic: «Bioethics in the context of the development of the West and the East».

The speakers explained that medical bioethics is a fundamentally new paradigm for a person studying the world around him, preserving it in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, including protecting human health. Moreover, they emphasized the relevance of both Western and Eastern medicine. The combination of Western culture and the ethics of Islam will undoubtedly give an impetus to the development of such a science as medical bioethics.

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At the end of the conference, participants were awarded certificates.

02.07.2020, 04:01