Participation in online-seminars «Thomson Reuters»

In October this year in СTPC of SKSPhA teachers of the department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry participated in online-seminars of  «Thomson Reuters» about resources for scientific researches. Speaker of online-seminars Margarita Sidorova threw light upon materials on the following topics:

1. Platform Web of Science: basic search capabilities;

2. Work with the bibliography in the program EndNote Online;

3. Search for the author and ResearcherID;

4. Search and analysis of scientific journals with Journal Citation Reports use.

These days the teachers received certificates of participation of the online-seminars.

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Teaching staff of the department would like to thank M.T.Uksikbaev, the chief of СTPC, and B.Zharylkasyn, website expert, for assistance in organizing and conducting online seminars.

23.12.2015, 04:57