Our students' victory in the IV International intellectual tournament - game "What? Where? When?"

In honor of the Year of the Family in Russia declared in 2024, GBPOU PO "Velikoluksky Medical College" of the Russian Federation sent an invitation to participate in the intellectual game "What? Where? When?" with the motto "SCIENTIA VINCES!" - "Knowledge will win!" and the theme "Familia omnibus praestat - Family above all" and our college decided to try its luck by taking part in the tournament, which was held online on December 12, 2024 at 11:00 Moscow time.
In this game, our team took III place with a score of 4.0 points!
In the nomination "Best team player" the winner was the captain of our team - Urmanova Khadija Ulugbekovna.
And also, the team won in the nomination "The most interesting question" according to the results of the teams' voting.
Our students competed with students from medical colleges in Russia and Belarus, with a total of 5 teams participating in the tournament.
Students with good logical thinking and intuition were selected to participate in the tournament: Urmanova Khadija Ulugbekovna, Tillekhodjaev Saidyakbar Saidymukhameduly, Sobolev Nikita Konstantinovich, Abdiohap Sapar, Aidarkhan Ayan Samatovich, Karimova Nasiba Alymzhanovna. The students were prepared for the tournament by teachers from the Nursing - 2 department under the guidance of the head of the department Aibekova Gulnur Nurzhanovna.

Teams consisting of the most inquisitive and erudite children competed for the title of the best experts, who were determined at the end of the game. By brainstorming, the players tried to answer tricky questions within a strictly limited time. Each question caused heated discussions and sincere emotions, and the teams tried to find answers as quickly and accurately as possible. The team members demonstrated their high level of knowledge, skills in solving non-standard problems, broadened their horizons and had a great time! 
Galina Valentinovna Kozyakova, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the VMK, who was in charge of organizing the tournament, sent a warm message to our team at the end of the game: «Your team played very well, they took 3rd place among 5 teams, only 0.5 points behind second place. Well done! They played very beautifully, politely and culturally, which is very nice!».

18.12.2024, 16:54