Online meetings with the students on the interim examination and professional practice at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Due to the state of emergency and the transition of the educational process of the faculty of pharmacy to distance learning technologies, several web-conferences with students have been organized to this day. During the meetings, topical issues were raised and work was done to explain to students the specifics of distance learning.

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In the period of time from April, 28 to April, 30 2020 Dean of the faculty K. Daurenbekov has held several online meetings with students of educational programs "Pharmacy" and "Technology of pharmaceutical production." During the meetings, the dean presented the results of preparations for the intermediate examination of the second academic period and the rules for its implementation.

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Students asked relevant questions about the upcoming events and received full answers. In particular, students shared their thoughts on the first computer testing using the proctoring system. In addition, the meeting was attended by the heads of graduating departments professors Sagindykova B.A., Shertaeva K.Zh., Ordabaeva S.K., associate professors Omirali M.A., Arystanbaev E.K. as well as faculty members. They familiarized students with the rules of practicing distance learning (educational, production) and shared the necessary information. Regarding professional practices, students expressed their concerns and received corresponding answers.

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In general, according to students, the online conference was very useful and timely.

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03.05.2020, 06:22