The academic mobility of Valery Valerievich Smirnov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastsev Institute of Pharmacy. A.P. Nelyubin of the First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) took place at SKMA today.

As part of the implementation of the Memorandum programs between the two universities, Valery Valeryevich gave lectures for 5th-year students and undergraduates of the 1st and 2nd years of study in the specialty "Pharmacy". Also, he participated in laboratory classes and SRTP in the discipline "Bioanalytical chemistry and toxicology" online.

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The program of the academic mobility course was presented at a high level, combining academic traditions and the warmth of live communication with the audience. The charismatic presentation of the material in the form of modern methods of sample preparation for chemical and toxicological analysis of xenobiotics and doping control, such as dispersive liquid-liquid extraction, liquid-liquid microextraction, preliminary and confirmatory methods, was accepted by the audience with delight.

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Professor Smirnov dwelled on the immune methods of analysis used in screening studies at the first stage of the chemical-toxicological analysis of xenobiotics and doping substances. In addition to providing general information about ELISA with varieties ELISA, EMMIT and EIA, RIA and PFIA, the lecturer spoke about the scientific developments of the department in the creation of monoclonal antibodies.

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As a participant in the development of the EAEU Pharmacopoeia, he focused the attention of students on the fact that immune methods were included in this regulatory document for quality control of medicinal products of biological origin. High performance liquid and gas chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry for doping control and drug research was presented at a high professional level, and the process of ionization of molecules to obtain a complete profile of the studied substances and their metabolites was fixed with animated video content.

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Such a rich and fruitful academic mobility program contributed to the further strengthening of professional competencies and the best formation of the final learning outcomes in the field of drug quality control and chemical and toxicological studies of xenobiotics.

At the final lecture by professor Smirnov only enthusiastic comments from the audience were received for the convenient and understandable form of presenting the material, supported by numerous examples from practice.

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We express our deep gratitude to professor Smirnov and the entire staff of the Institute of Pharmacy of the Sechenov University represented by the director, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor Ramenskaya for fruitful work and mutually beneficial cooperation in the preparation of qualified personnel in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

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25.03.2021, 05:29