One more platform for cooperation

The scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Academy for the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry was marked by the participation of partners of our department. So, Professor G.V. Ramenskaya, Director of the Institute of Pharmacy at Sechenov University (Moscow, Russia) arrived with her team in the person of leading scientists and teachers V.V. Smirnov, A.Yu. Savchenko, V.I. Hegechkori. For the first time, Professor F.Kh. Shirazi was invited to Kazakhstan. F.Kh. Shirazi, Director of the School of Pharmacy of the Medical University named after S. Beheshti (Tehran, Iran).

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In his report to the plenary, prof. G.V. Ramenskaya noted the results of a long-standing friendship between the departments of the same name, as well as the prospects for the development of the Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Health Sciences.

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No less interesting at the plenary and breakout sessions were the reports of F.Kh. Shirazi on the educational and scientific achievements of the School of Pharmacy, the results of which have access to Iran’s practical health care, which is 97% provided with medicines of its own production.

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At the sectional meeting, topical problems of ensuring the quality and safety of medicines were discussed. Colleagues from Sechenov University, the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, and the National Medical University named after Sh.S. Asfendiyarov, Astana Medical University, as well as representatives of the Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan).

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A cultural program was organized for guests from countries near and far abroad. Guests learned interesting things about the centuries-old history of nomads and the dynamically developing modern Kazakhstan by visiting the Mausoleums of Arystan Bab, Khoja Ahmed Yassavi, the excavations of the city of Otyrar, the new regional center under construction - the city of Turkestan, etc.

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The conference was another platform for the exchange of views and experience, as well as planning for further cooperation in the training of qualified personnel for the pharmaceutical industry and the implementation of scientific achievements in practical health care.

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24.10.2019, 22:20