Oncological diseases

On February 7, 2019 the staff of department of "surgical disciplines" organized a conference in honor of "February 4 – the World day against oncological diseases". Conference purpose was promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of development oncological diseases.

The department chair of head of the department, the acting professor B.А. Abdurakhmanov, the PhD doctor of department K. Tazhibayeva, the associate professor, head of department of "chemotherapy and endovascular oncology" in city oncological center – PhD D.T.Aribzhanov, associate professor, oncologist M.E. Zhanteev and other staff of department.

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Doctor K. Tazhibayeva made the report "Cervical cancer, prevention" devoted to a problematic subject of modern society, to cervical cancer to VPP (virus of papilloma of the person). Measures the warning development of this illness, vaccination.

On mortality frequency 7-8 years ago oncological diseases took the third place conceding to cardiovascular diseases and traumatism, but at present takes the second place.

Conditions of oncological service in the republic, preventive measures for the development of cancer pathology and screening methods that make it possible to detect cancer at an early stage. The conference ended with the call “to prevent the disease is always easier than treatment”, therefore it is necessary to preserve health from the young, to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

18.02.2019, 21:19