On March 27 2024 there was signed memorandum between South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and Sairam College

Partnership agreement was signed between «South Kazakhstan Medical Academy» JSC and «Sairam сollege». The memorandum was signed by the rector of «South Kazakhstan Medical Academy» JSC, professor, doctor of medical sciences Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich and the director of «Sairam college» candidate of medical sciences Baimagambetova Zhanara Amirkhanovna.
- Conducting joint methodological conferences, seminars, formation of highly qualified teaching staff of Sairam сollege at the expense of leading professors
- Conducting scientific research aimed at solving current problems of medical science and healthcare in close connection with educational process (part of scientific projects)
- Creation of a joint database of a scientific and medical library, an electronic library in various areas of medicine with subscriptions to periodicals (magazines, medical newspapers);
- Assistance in conducting various forms of advanced training; popularization of the achievements of medical science and practice by organizing conferences and consultations with broadcast of diagnostic events;
- Conducting conferences and symposiums with the participation of leading domestic and foreign experts important scientists and specialists;
- Free access to the simulation center for students of Sayram college

29.03.2024, 13:23