Olympiad on "Digitalization in Healthcare"

On 26th of April in 2019 year in SKMA at the “Social Health Insurance and Public Health” an Olympiad on the subject “Digitalization in Health Care” among the 3rd year students in the specialty General Medicine and Public Health.

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The purpose of the Olympiad: The formation of integrated knowledge, skills and abilities of specialists necessary for effective work in the health care system, taking into account the development and implementation of digitalization.

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The Olympiad consisted of 4 rounds. I round “Intellectual game” teams - selected questions by points and answered within one minute, II round “Problems and solution in health care” - teams solved situational problems and logical questions, III round “New project” each team presented their project on the topic «Digitalization in healthcare», IV round debate in the "British - Parliamentary" format on the theme "This Chamber believes that archiving digital information of leading diseases is correct". The team was judged by an independent jury. As a result, the olympiad was won by the 3rd year team in the specialty “General Medicine”

Students at the Olympiad showed particular interest, and feedback was established.

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13.05.2019, 05:10