New round of mutually beneficial cooperation

On the basis of the educational and scientific laboratory of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, students of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute undertook the production practice “Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines”.

The students completed the planned volume of the internship program, which included familiarizing the trainees with the regulatory documentation governing the quality control of medicines in the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducting a full pharmacopoeial analysis of substances, tablets, capsules, injection solutions, ointments in accordance with the requirements of the Pharmacopoeia of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Kazakhstan using general pharmacopoeial methods physical, chemical and physico-chemical analysis.

In determining the quality parameters of medicines, trainees acquired practical skills in dissolution testing, disintegration testers, complete deformation of the “Pharma test” suppositories (Germany), abrasion and strength “EF-155” (Germany), etc.

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Work on the automatic titrator "MettlerToledo" T-50 (Switzerland) to determine the quantitative content of active substances has significantly reduced the time of analysis and to obtain accurate results.

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On the spectrophotometer "SF-2000" (Russia) conducted identification, quantitative analysis, determination of the purity of medicines. The trainees noted that they reinforced their theoretical knowledge with practical skills in interpreting UV spectra, performing quantitative calculations, etc.

The students were impressed by the possibilities of working on Sykam (Germany) high-performance liquid chromatograph with the Clarity software in conducting a pharmacopoeial analysis for identification, determination of related impurities and quantitative content of medicines.

In practice, students carried out the identification of medicines based on the spectra obtained on the «Инфралюм ФТ-08» spectrometer (Russia), for the first time acquired practical skills of working with this device, prepared the test samples in tablets with potassium bromide, the ATR method, in thin films .

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In determining the authenticity and content of related impurities on a set of devices for thin-layer chromatography (UV-cabinet, spray chamber, drying cabinet), trainees learned from their own experience that to use this method in quality control of medicines, sustainable practical skills are needed.

Students noted that the practice helped them to gain new knowledge and practical skills in the field of pharmacopoeial analysis, to feel more confident in the field of quality control of medicines.

Rector SKMA M.M. Rysbekov, received a group of students of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and handed them certificates of practical training.

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Students of TashPharmi expressed their sincere gratitude of the Academy to the rector M.M. Rysbekov for the opportunity to have an internship at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and expressed the wish to continue this experience in the framework of cooperation between universities.

12.07.2019, 21:52