Nawruz – the celebration of kindness and unity!

The bright holiday of Nawruz symbolizes fertility, friendship and love. Nawruz is the arrival of spring and the beginning of the year, when all life on earth is born again. With the arrival of the holiday, all the people of Kazahstan dress in festive clothes, go to each other's houses and exchange greetings and wishes for prosperity in the coming year. At each festive table, a traditional dish is “Nawruz Kozhe”. Each component of this dish symbolizes one of the seven life principles: growth, luck, happiness, wealth, health, wisdom and protection of the heavens.

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People say that the more generous the holiday is, the more prosperous the year will be. And so the staff of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry spent Nawruz holiday: the employees prepared “Nawruz Kozhe” and covered a festive dastarkhan for students. On this day, we had 12 groups of students in our classes.

The head of department Saule Ordabayeva congratulated the students on Nawruz and wished all the bes.

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The department annually treats and congratulates all students with this bright holiday. To prepare about 50 liters of “Nawruz Kozhe” every member of the department brought all the components of this traditional dish, which symbolizes the unity, friendship and solidarity of all the employees of our department.

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“From the rain the earth is green, people are multiplying from blessing” is said among the people. Aksakal of our department, associate professor Mendibaev B.T. congratulated all present on the occasion and gave his blessing. Good and sincere words of parting have a beneficial effect on the education of noble feelings among students. After that everyone was served with “Nawruz Kozhe” and invited for a festive table. Among the students there were also students from the BSMU studying for academic mobility.

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Thus, the day of abundance, prosperity and the internationally – “Nawruz” recognized by the UN, is marked in our department in an atmosphere of unity and universal love.

28.03.2018, 00:56