Multilinguism in the light of implementation of the strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050”

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Following the policy of the strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050:a new policy of established state” of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayevdated from April 28, 2015, the employees of Russian language Department organized and conducted interdepartmental student scientific and practical conference “Multilinguism in the light of implementation of the strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050” with the assistance of Kazakhlanguage Department and Foreign languagesDepartment, which was also attended by teachers and students of the university.

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During the conference, the following students’ speeches were marked: Dosanova A., the group 305 “Nursing”, Muramet R., the group 206 “Pharmacy”, Zharylkasyn A., the group 101 “Pharmacy”, Reys Y., the group 101 “Pharmacy”,Ziyabek A., the group 104 “Pharmacy”,Bekbosyn M., the group 103 “Medical prophylaxis”, the themes of the reports: “Multilingualism”, “World view in berrynames in Russian, Kazakh and English”, “Whence and development of youth slang”, “Expletives in speech”, “Sayings and proverbs in Russian language classes”, “Integration of higher education of Kazakhstan into international educational environment”.

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At the end of the event, the participants share do their favorable emotions of what they have seen and heard. The students and their academic advisor swere awarded certificates.

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Prepared by:                      Kozhakhmetova S.N.

12.05.2015, 06:18