Modern issues of the development of pharmaceutical education

Project management group "Concept of training pharmaceutical personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan" EMA REMC in the "Healthcare" area continues its work in the 2020-2021 academic year.

The PMG includes more than 30 participants from 7 flagship medical universities, 3 multidisciplinary universities, 2 medical colleges, also representatives of employers are invited to participate.

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For the current academic year, it is planned to discuss the development of educational programs, the formation of an open and constantly updated database of dissertation topics (master's and doctoral studies) in the specialty "Pharmacy" to avoid duplication of work. Furthermore, the following has been included: expansion of the focus of work on Good Pharmaceutical Practice (GxP); strengthening the applied nature of master's and doctoral dissertations, discussion of the issues of attracting highly qualified practitioners of the industry to lecture and / or conduct other types of training sessions, including using distance educational technologies, exchange of experience, development of academic mobility of students and teaching staff, etc.

To date, universities have held meetings with representatives of the labor market and discussed issues at a meeting of the PMG.

Universities are invited to consider the possibilities of solving the problem of the admission reduction to professional practice to master skills in the field of industrial technology at the industrial bases of educational programs in "Pharmacy"; consider the possibility of creating own simulation sites taking into account GMP conditions (simulation laboratories, research and production facilities, etc.)

In modern conditions, it is necessary to increase the importance of dual education in the preparation of pharmaceutical personnel. To increase the level of cooperation with the labor market on employment of graduates through the implementation of dual education. Reduce the terms of employment of graduates of the program to 1-2 months. Monitor the implementation of dual education and employment.

Consider the possibility of updating educational programs in terms of increasing the duration of professional practice in the final year to 10 or more credits.

Employers recommend increasing the number of disciplines of the educational program taught in English.

The basis for the development of educational programs should be professional standards in the field of pharmaceutical activity. During the development of the content of educational programs, take into account the international experience of training pharmaceutical personnel.

20.01.2021, 22:42