Mirzhakyp. Wake up, Kazakh!

The curatorial groups of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry watched the feature film “Mirzhakyp. Wake up, Kazakh!"

We got acquainted with the life of a public figure who founded the first famine relief fund in the country's history, Mirzhakyp Dulatuly. “Open your eyes, wake up, Kazakh, raise your head, don’t let it go and don’t cry in vain in the dark,” he addressed his carefree people in the endless steppe, who took care of their livestock, woke up his careless people, called them to get an education, sympathizing nation, Mirzhakyp Dulatuly.

It is known that the beginning of the 20th century, which occupies a special place in the history of mankind with various fateful events and rapid development, has always been a creative period for the poor Kazakh people. The actions of Kazakh citizens, mourning the death of their people, rebelling against the tyrannical tsarist government during such a turbulent period, should be considered as a struggle for national freedom.

A round table was organized for the teaching staff of the department with students to discuss their impressions of the film. “Wake up, Kazakh!” - showed young people the way to rethink their history and spiritual enrichment. “We took the event of repression seriously. In fact, the film managed to convey a very difficult impression to our hearts. It was impossible to watch it without tears; it evoked many emotions, including anger and resentment,” the students shared in the comments.

On September 1, 2023, the Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “The Economic Course of a Fair Kazakhstan” states: “We all have one Motherland - Kazakhstan. And it is in our hands to make our country strong and successful. Ensuring the protection and prosperity of our native land, the priceless heritage of our ancestors, is our sacred duty. Preserving unity and working hard, transforming the country and passing on a developed state to the younger generation - all this means true adherence to the behests of our ancestors,” he said. In this regard, the main goal is to instill patriotism in the younger generation and increase love for their homeland. This is work of great spiritual, moral, cultural and educational significance.

17.10.2023, 15:34