Methodical seminar conducted according to the plan on the topic: "Project-oriented learning is the key to improving the quality of education"

On February 22, 2023-2024, in accordance with the plan of educational and methodological work, the department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology organized a methodological seminar on the topic: "Project-oriented learning is the key to improving the quality of education." The moderator of the methodological seminar was the head of the department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, d.m.s., Professor Seitkhanova Bibigul Tulegenovna.
As guests of the methodological seminar, the following took part:
1. Dean of the faculty of "Medicine", Candidate of Medical Sciences – A. A. Seidakhmetova
2. Deputy head of the educational and methodological center - Bergalieva R. N.
3. Head of the methodological department – Rasheva B. M.
4. Chairman of the CЕP of the specialty "General Medicine" – Kalmenov N.D.
5. head of the department "Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology", c.f.e., associate professor - Toksanbayeva Zh.S.
Learners also took part as listeners.
The following speakers presented their reports at the seminar:
1. Teacher, doctoral student of the department of "Pharmaceutical and toxicological сhemistry" Musabekov Zhankeldi Tuimebekovich - "Application of project-based learning technologies in pharmaceutical chemistry classes".
2. Teacher of the department of "Pharmacognosy" Abilova Arailym Armanovna – "Project-oriented learning as an effective teaching method for the development of skills of the 21st century.".
3. Senior teacher of the Department of Biology and Biochemistry, researcher at the laboratory of SC&GL Azhibaeva-Kupenova Dana Tynyshbekovna – "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of wound healing". 4. Senior lecturer of the department of "Microbiology, Virology and Immunology" Nuralieva Gulmira Nurpapaevna – Results on the topic "Sanitary and microbiological air research".
5. Learner of the 2nd year of group B-FO-02-22 Ilesbek Annel – "Feedback on the results of microbiology".
Each guest of the methodological seminar shared his opinion, expressed wishes to the participants and the staff of the department, and also expressed great gratitude to the head of the department. They talked about the effectiveness and relevance of the presented reports. The methodological seminar was held at a high level. I would like to see a lot of similar events ahead. It was also said to interest students in such projects, include them in projects and direct them.

22.02.2024, 17:12