Meeting with veterans in honor of 100th anniversary of birth of Rakymzhan Koshkarbayev with Sagadat Nurmaganbetov

On May 6, 2024, in front of building No.1 of SKMA JSC, Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan was raised and the National Anthem was performed in honor of  holiday «May 7 – Defenders of the Fatherland Day» and «May 9 Victory Day». In the second part of the event, a meeting with war veterans was held in the large meeting hall of SKMA.
Participated guests were: Veteran of Afghan War: Mendigulov Sundet Usenbaevich
Veteran of  Tajik-Afghan War: Myrzakhmetov Zhomart Tursynbekovich
Senior Lecturer of Military Department - Veteran of  Iraq War: Isakulov Nurbol Rakhmanberdievich.

The event was opened by  head of the department of social issues and youth policy Ye.Salim, awarding employees with badges and a letter of gratitude from the rector of SKMA.
In honor of the holiday, veterans shared their life experiences, called on  not to forget our history and awaken patriotic feelings in ourselves. During the meeting, students received answers to their questions.

06.05.2024, 17:20