Meeting with the rector on the project «Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle»

03.06.2024 Gulzhan Nurbekovna Dosybaeva, head of the GP-2 department and interns of IGPK-04-23 group:


Abdrazakhova M.E.

Bakhtybai U.M.

Yasuzak G.N.

Zhumabaev T.D.

Kozhamber A.B.

Turlybaev M.A.


As part of the project «Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle»:

«7 IT Lyceum named after K. Spataev», «Private Institution Technical Lyceum», «Private Institution Ziyatker Turan», «Retirement home», «House of Veterans». With the progress of events, goals and objectives of the project, students, elderly people, progress of work and shared plans for the future with rector of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Professor Rysbek Myrzabek Myrzashuly who for his part supported students and showed special support.

26.03.2024, 15:18