Meeting of the new staff with the rector!

On January 25, 2022, a meeting was held between the rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich and activists to present the new composition of the Bolashak AMC. Our newly elected activists have been looking forward to this event.

During this meeting, the rector of the SKMA and the student rector shared their plans, the rector congratulated the new staff, wished them success on the path of education and science, and also called on young people to an active healthy life.

The head of the department for social issues and youth policy, E. Salim, solemnly handed over the keys to the future office of the AMC, located on the 0th floor of building No. 2 of the SKMA, to the student rector and wished him a success.

List of newly elected members of AMC "Bolashak":
Abdіgappar Erden Baқbergenuly - "Student Rector"
Amanbai Gulfarida Nadyrkyzy - student government adviser
Meyirbekov Nurbolat Nurgaliuly - "Student vice-rector for educational work"
Aliyaidar Aruzhan Kuatkhankyzy - "Student Vice-Rector for Innovation and Development Work"
Pirimkul Abay - "Student Dean of the Faculty of Medicine"
Auelbek Shugyla - "Student Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy"
Omirtai Gulnur Elzhaskyzy - "Student Director of the Medical College"
Zhuzgenbay Perizat - "Chairman of the organization of the youth wing of Jas Otan"
Pirimkulova Zhanerke Meirmankyzy - Chairman of the "Alliance" organization 
Salkhuddinova Nurai Amangeldikyzy - "KazMed" head of the youth organization
Tulendiev Berdirakhman Tobakabylyly - KAZMSA
Chapai Nurshat Kazybekuly - Chairman of "Ziyaly Kazak"
Turanhulov Maksatbek Askaruly - head of the sports club "Barys" Gulam Kadyr Diana Mukhammedzakirkyzy - chairman of "Eriktiler clubs"
Nagashybayeva Zhadyra Talgatkyzy - Chairman of the Women's Council "Aykorkem"
Paiz Maksat Құbanәlіұly - Chairman of the Arts Organization "Shabyt"
Dairabay Nurdaulet Talgatuly - "Chairman of the student council of the hostel"
Nyshan Magzhan Yerkebulanuly - "Birlesu"
Shilter Nurtileu - Head of the FRC organization
Kasymova Alma Rustemkyzy - PR manager

27.01.2022, 22:25