Meeting of sole founder Serikzhan Seitzhanuly with the staff at the expanded Academic Council

On November 20, 2023, Serikzhan Seitzhanuly, the sole founder of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, reported to the teaching staff on strategic development, and also touched upon the issues of Educational, Research and Financial activities. He assessed the work done over the past 5 years, noted the strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, tasks were given that need to be developed in some positions. He thanked teaching staff of the Academy for their contribution to the implemented work.
The president of the country Kassymzhomart Tokayev noted that in his messages he pays attention to the social issue, the social issue is also an issue that does not go unnoticed by the leadership of the University, and from this academic year the salary of the teaching staff will be increased by 30%. The staff of the Academy received the good news with special attention. Professor Saule Kutymovna noted the contribution of the founder to the development of the academy and expressed gratitude for the development and funding of our educational institution in the right direction in strengthening international cooperation with foreign partners, increasing the space for cooperation.
Rector Myrzabek Myrzashuly said that he will carry out work on the development of the educational institution, and on behalf of the staff, he shared the plans for the future and thanked the founder for the assessment of the work of the Academy's employees.

21.09.2023, 16:25