"Measles Prevention"

According to the Public Health Committee, the number of measles cases has reached 910 today. The infection was brought from Europe, where 68 people died from measles and 70 thousand were infected.

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Measles is an acute infectious viral disease that occurs only in humans, is transmitted by airborne droplets, which is characterized by high fever (up to 40.5 ° C), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, conjunctivitis, and a characteristic spotty-papular rash of the skin, general intoxication.

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In connection with the outbreak of the incidence, from 12 to 16 February 2019, a curatorial hour on the topic “Prevention of measles” was held at the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology with the participation of supervisory groups of the 3rd course of the Pharmacy Faculty. Its goal was:

• to warn students of the risk of measles;

• to talk about measles and its prevention;

• to talk about the importance of vaccinations, the effect of vaccinations on the incidence

Students were informed about measles, its prevention and protection measures.

25.02.2019, 21:28