Masters students’ scientific-research internship (SRI)

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From 30th November to 8th December, 2016 2nd - year master students of specialty «Pharmacy» from «Pharmacognosy and Chemistry» Department, L.T.Badalova and R.A.Kozykeyeva had scientific-research internship in Prague city, PDC (Prague development center), the Czech Republic. 

During this internship a course of lectures were given by leading lectures of Charles University and representatives of Czech Pharmaceutical  Industry.

It was organized visiting to hospitals and clinics in Prague for master students.

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Clinical hospital «Motol» in Prague  (Fakultní nemocnice v Motole) — is considered as one of the largest and the best hospitals in the Czech Republic. Also it is an official hospital for all foreigners. 

Central clinical hospital in Prague. (Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze) — is the biggest hospital in Czech Republic. It is directly controlled by the Ministry of healthcare. Its buildings are situated not only in Prague, but in the whole Czech Republic.

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At the last day of internship Director of Prague development center and president of Innovation and technology management Academy, doctor Orifzhan Namozov gave certificates on completing of scientific-research internship to master students.

SRI gave us opportunity to introduce with healthcare system of the Czech Republic and deeply recognize about medical insurance.

We express our gratitude to the SKSPhA administration for giving the opportunity to pass internship.

21.01.2017, 01:59