Master class on "Cytogenetic and molecular (PCR) methods for the diagnosis of genetic pathology"

A group of researchers from the SKMA research laboratory within the research Institute ("Cytogenetic research of hereditary diseases") held a master class on "Cytogenetic and molecular (PCR) methods for the diagnosis of genetic pathology" at the Medical Centre Hospital of President’s affairs administration of the RK (laboratory for personalized genomic diagnostics) from 02.11 - 13.11.2020.

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Abildinova G. Zh. - Head of the personalized genomic laboratory of the hospital, Doctor-geneticist of the highest category, Professor, and her team: A. Borovikova - Geneticist of the Laboratory of Personalized Genomic Diagnostics, Geneticist of the first category; Zhabakova Zh.M. - Doctor-Geneticist of the Laboratory of Personalized Genomic Diagnostics of the Medical Centre Hospital of President’s affairs administration of the RK presented the master class program from familiarization with the laboratory in general and laboratory equipment before discussing karyograms, PCR curves, chromosomal diseases, control of cell cycle diseases, mutations, chromosome aberrations, familiarization with the MLPA method, full exome sequencing, and work with genome browsers.

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The employees are delighted with the master class, they gained valuable experience and knowledge, which they will use in the future for the benefit of the development of the research laboratory SKMA.

18.11.2020, 04:56