Master class «International standards of Good practices in pharmacy. The concept GXP»

On January 8, 2020, a Memorandum of cooperation was signed between «EUROPHARMA» LLP and South Kazakhstan medical Academy JSC. One of the areas of cooperation between the parties is holding seminars for current employees of «EUROPHARMA» LLP by the Academy's teaching staff.

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In this regard, the Department of organization and management of pharmaceutical business (OMPhB) of SKMA organized a master class «International standards of Good practices in pharmacy. GXP concept» on improving the practical skills of specialists – pharmacists of the company «EUROPHARMA», which was held from 06.10.2020 to 09.10.2020, was conducted by associate Professor of the Department of OUPD, PhD Umurzakhova G. Zh.

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Master class «International standards of Good practices in pharmacy. The GXP concept» was held in the distance learning mode, on the ZООM platform and acquired a national scale. The management of «EUROPHARMA» LLP expressed their gratitude and desire to further strengthen their ties with the Academy.

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13.10.2020, 22:11