March 24 - the World Day against tuberculosis

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The Department of Primary Health Care-1, regularly participates in preventive measures, conducted on a city-wide, oblast-wide scale. On the eve of the World Day against tuberculosis, the staff of the department, under the supervision of the candidates of medical sciences, acting Associate Professors Makhatova V.K. and Kuandykov Ye.K. conducted preventive work in school number 2. With the assistance of the director of the specialized boarding school No. 2, in Shymkent city, with teaching in three languages  Toltebaev S.K., the deputy head of the school on academic issues Karymbaeva N.A., the nurse of the school Utebaeva A.Zh. work was carried out with schoolchildren and information was provided on the issues of etiology, factors, major clinical manifestations, diagnosis, preventive measures for tuberculosis. The event was held with the participation of interns of the ZhTD-722 group. In the future such preventive work will be conducted for other most significant social diseases.

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26.03.2018, 07:52