Literary evening "Read Abai, be surprised!"
On November 8, 2024, a literary evening on the theme “Read Abai, be surprised!” was organized at the library and information center of SKMA and the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages, the purpose of which was to promote the work of Abai Kunanbayuly.
A welcoming speech was made by the teacher of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages, acting associate professor G.K. Temirbekova, who reviewed the works of Abai Kunanbayuly and read excerpts from his poems and wished the participants success.
Librarian of the Library and Information Center F.K. Elemes organized the exhibition “The Spiritual World of Abai”, shared new information and encouraged participants to read books.
In order to increase students’ interest in Kazakh poetry and instill patriotism in them, first-year students expressively recited Abai’s poems by heart, such as “Gylym tappay maktanba”, “Asempaz bolma arnege”, “Zhasymda gylym bar dep eskermedim”, “Bilimdiden shykkan soz” and other.
Youth Policy Department Officer N.K. Chapai noted that if we want to revive national consciousness and form a competitive nation, it is necessary to carefully study the works of Abai, and also urged students not to be lazy in reading the works of the great poet.
Head of the Reader Services Sector Zh.K. Balymova awarded the active participants of the evening with letters of gratitude.
As long as the Kazakh people exist, the name of Abai will sound proudly. If we highly value his wise words as our spiritual wealth, they will undoubtedly contribute to increasing the honor of our Motherland on the world stage.